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Hotel, Motel & Resort ATMs

Today's traveler expects to find an ATM conveniently located in your lobby - the fact is, they often plan on it!

If your hotel, motel or resort doesn't have an ATM, you're missing out on a steady flow of income and the chance to meet and exceed  guest expectations.

Mint ATM Network will provide your property with the best ATM options and pricing, including complete turn-key ATM placements.

Guests from out of town may not have access to their local bank. That means they will need to find an ATM if they plan on using cash during their stay. Instead of directing them to ATMs at neighboring businesses, keeping them within your establishment means convenience for them and profits for you!

In addition to making things easier for your guests, having an ATM installed within your hospitality business means a boost in revenue from the services you offer. Did you know that 25 percent of cash withdrawn from ATMs is usually spent on the premises? An on-site ATM means users are far more likely to patronize guest amenities such as dining, spa services, gift shops, concierge, laundry rooms, vending machines and room service. Your staff will also benefit from increased gratuities from happy customers with cash in hand!

Mint ATM has the latest ATM models that fit the technical needs and physical requirements of any hotel, motel, resort or inn. We offer exclusive turnkey and partnership programs that make managing your ATM simple and hassle-free.


How does your turnkey program work?

Our Hotel ATM Turnkey Program, includes free ATM installation, free operation, maintenance and even cash loading, while your business provides only the space, electricity and the internet line access. (Wireless options are also available)

How does your partnership program work?

Through our Hotel ATM Partnership Program, we provide free ATM installation and maintenance, while your business oversees the ATM’s periodic cash replenishment and provides the space, electricity and internet line access. We then share a large portion of the monthly profits from the cardholder convenience fees with you.

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